
Friday, August 14, 2009

Outsource Medical Transcription Services and Save 60% Transcribing Cost

Our medical transcription services are extremely cost-effective and high-quality, while maintaining a lowest turnaround time. We offer to all the clients, no cost, and no obligation Free Trial.

We provide medical transcription services to hospitals, practices and individual doctors. Our medical transcription services are extremely cost-effective and high-quality, while maintaining a lowest turnaround time.

Medical transcription service is the process of turning physician’s voice dictation into written transcripts. Our medical transcription services for provide HIPAA compliant medical transcriptionists for hospitals, medical clinics and individual practitioners. Our medical transcription service is geared toward digitally recorded voice files; however, let us know if you need help with analog tapes. Our medical transcription accuracy is more than 98.99% and quick output service gives competitive advantages to us. Outsource medical transcription services to us and save at least 60% of transcription cost.

Outsource Medical Transcription Services like:

  • Patient history and physical reports
  • Clinic notes
  • Operative reports
  • Consultation notes
  • Discharge summaries
  • Progress notes
  • Psychiatric evaluations
  • Referral letters
  • Diagnostic imaging studies
  • Autopsy reports
  • Laboratory reports
  • X-ray reports
  • Physical examination reports
  • Pathology reports

We customize our medical transcription services as per your business processes, saving your time and effort involved in creating, editing, and correcting typed reports. Our medical transcriptionists are able to handle a challenging task that requires outstanding execution skills. We guarantee the best possible transcription of given recordings. Our medical transcription services are very secure and compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

We are providing accurate medical transcription services in quick time at unbelievably low cost. Get free trial offer on Kazim Group of Technologies. Our medical transcription services, we offer to all the clients, no cost, no obligation Free Trial.

Is Outsourcing Medical Transcription Work Advisible

In the competitive health care arena, remote medical transcription services have great significance. Every health care facility, whether small or large, has to maintain proper and consistent health care documentation. Even though the demand for medical transcription has gone up steadily over the years, there has been a lack of skilled and trained personnel in key areas of medical transcription.

With the demand for Accuracy, Quality and Speed medical transcription services rising, medical transcription (MT) outsourcing jobs seem to have a bright and secure future. Medical transcription is the most outsourced job in the health care industry and is provided with the aim of reducing both time and cost factors involved in the daily documenting of patient details. As the health care industry in the United States is closely associated with insurance firms, time-bound processing of patient records is essential for the smooth functioning of both health care and insurance firm.

To produce good quality patient records, most of these health care firms have employed highly skilled and experienced professionals in medical transcription, and their skills and knowledge play a key role in the success of these transcription firms. For new recruits, professional training is being given to achieve higher accuracy levels demanded by the industry. With the help of in-house language experts and proofreaders, most processed patient documents maintain high accuracy levels of up to 99%.

By availing of the remote medical transcription services, you can gain many competitive advantages and benefits in terms of higher output and turnaround time.

Apart from these initial benefits, other benefits that can be gained include:

• Superior work product

HIPAA compliant transcription practices

• 24x7 customer support service

• Cost-effective rates

• Security and confidentiality

• Customer satisfaction

Another major benefit of outsourcing these medical transcription jobs is that backup copies of patient records are always available at the servers of these outsourcing companies and hence it is easier to search and access patient records which are years old. Moreover, these documents can be sent across multiple destinations through the internet so that doctors, regardless of their location can keep in touch with their patients and their medical treatments.

Medical transcription outsourcing is one of the most important industries in the outsourcing spectrum. It succeeds in efficiently recording patient data for further processing and thereby allows the medical practitioner or health care facility to concentrate more on the core business. Outsource medical transcription to improve your workflow and attend better to the care of your patients.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

New MTs Keep a Word Log.....

When I first started medical transcription, before I developed an ear for transcribing, I started a word log. A word log is very simple thing; it's just a list of medical words that you have trouble hearing (or doctors have trouble pronouncing correctly) when you're a new MT, and you use the list to jog your memory.

My word log was a Word document that I would open, plop the troublesome word into and close. I didn't alphabetize it or number the entries. It was just a quick open/paste/close process done on the fly.

I would also make a note of any routine unintelligible mumbles that certain doctors made, along with the doctors' names, so I could search the list by doctor name. I also included multiple pronunciations, by different doctors, of the same word and sometimes the definition of the word. Also included were incorrect spellings that doctors would offer up, so I'd know the docs were wrong. I'd include my "sounds like" along with the word so I could just search for the sounds-like word and voila, there it would be...well, most of the time.

I don't remember how long I kept making entries in my word log, probably for a couple of years. I don't need it anymore, but it's still on my computer. I took a look at it today, and there were 2870 entries! Just for old times sake, I looked through it today, alphabetized it, and noticed that I had entered some words over and over again. Here are some that I apparently just couldn't get through my thick skull and had entered them repeatedly in my list. Psoas and parenchymal were real troublemakers for me, I see.

ACTeRS Scale


ACTeRS not Actors

B&O suppositories not Beano

B&O suppositories not Beano


Burstin method - estimating normal PA pressure per Dr. D. griseofulvin - Dr. M. says viziofoma


mesothelioma - Dr. C. says mesothyloma

MIC-Key G-tube

MIC-Key G-tube NOT McKee or Mickey

Moraxella catarrhalis

Moraxella catarrhalis - Dr. S. says moxala cataralis

NIR Primo stent

NIR Primo

NIR stent – cardiology



omphalocele - oooomfa seal

parenchyma - Dr. D. says preenka

parenchyma clear


parenchymal – prinkal


psoas muscle (s/l sose)

psoas sign

psoas shadow (s/l 4th shadow)

psoas Rovsings signs

psoas sign

ptosis (sag or fall in eyelid)

Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test

Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test - peds psych

Wenckebach phenomena - Dr. O. says winky doc



Zeloda - WRONG - spelled Xeloda

Zyrtec, not Certec as Dr. R. spells it

Monday, August 10, 2009

Pounding the Keyboard........

See how hard one of my colleague work? Maybe she has super-strong fingernails, or maybe they just don't make keyboards like they used to. I took a pic of the damage. The "L" is obliterated, and apparently she use the comma and period keys a lot. The "N" key isn't holding up well either. The "S" key is chipped off at the edges.........

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Risks and Benefits of Transcription

As in any job, there are risks and benefits to working as an MT.

Risks may include but are not limited to:

Earbuzz: Also known simply as "the buzz." Caused by constant use of headphones at high volume to decipher indistinct doctorspeak.

Numbthumb: Caused by repetitive pounding of the space bar, for which payment may or may not be made.

Foothop: A direct effect of "what the what??" syndrome, caused by repeated tapping of the foot pedal in order to rewind the aforementioned doctorspeak.

Chairbutt: Self-explanatory.

Benefits may include but are not limited to:

Armchairdx: You can tell your neighbor and anyone else who asks what that particular color of stool means.

AccentoNoproblemo: You can understand any accent, anywhere, anytime.

GastroRobusto: Nothing makes you throw up.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Proofreading: It's What's For Lunch

Everyone seems to have their own proofreading strategies and, wouldn't you know it, I'm going to list mine here for you just as if you don't have any of your own. Disclaimer: None of this applies to my blog. If you were to go looking through my posts, you'd find oodles of little bitty, perfectly reasonable errors, all of them inconsequential, some of them charming and possibly even endearing.

If you're still reading, here are my proofreading tips:

I don't proofread my files until I've been away from them for a while. I have a very short memory and can't remember what I transcribed an hour ago, so if I wait a while before I proof them, it's like proofreading somebody's else's work, which is much more fun than proofing my own. If you've ever been in QA, you know what I mean.

Sometimes I proofread documents from the end to the beginning, the same way I read books when I was a kid. (I always wanted to know how they ended before I invested any time in them, which really annoyed the school librarian.) Proofreading backwards gives me a whole new view of the text, and that way I don't just zip along quickly and miss errors.

Speaking of view, I always change the page view before I proof. I make the text much bigger than it was when I transcribed it. That's another way I trick myself into thinking I've never seen this document before. (I am easily tricked; I even set my clock ahead so that, when the alarm goes off, I'm actually up early, and I never catch on.)

Much to my sister’s dismay, I sometimes proof out loud (not the patients' names or any other identifying information, of course, as that would be a HIPAA violation). She has learned a great deal about drug dosages and lab tests because of this habit of mine, enough so that she sometimes understands what's going on when we're watching ER and will turn to me and say, "Isn't that too much heparin?" Proofing out loud makes errors jump off the page.

When proofing, I run my cursor along each line as I'm reading it. I'm easily amused and like to play with the cursor, and it helps guide my eyes along the lines. Otherwise I'll end up proofing the document the same way the doctor transcribed it...bouncing around from paragraph to paragraph, all over the road.

And last, but not least, I do my proofreading while eating lunch. Chewing keeps me from getting bored. Also, when I'm eating, I'm generally very happy, so proofreading isn't a chore for's something I look forward to. I'm afraid that sometimes proofreading is the highlight of my day, but that's fodder for another post altogether.

Power Hour Techniques.....

The purpose of power hour is to transcribe as many lines as possible in one hour at a nonstop pinky-finger-punishing, thumb-cracking, fingernail-chipping, keyboard-annihilating, full-blast rate of speed. It's brutal. At the end of power hour, you may need to replace your keyboard, so have one handy.

The Rules:

~No bathroom breaks.

~No food on desk.

~No drinks on desk.

~No phone calls.

~No doorbell answering.

~No email checking.

~No responding to children unless they're being locked outside the house.

The Tips:

~Early morning is the best time for power hour.

~The more the merrier: Compete with other medical transcriptionists. The transcriptionist with the most lines at the end of power hour is the winner and gets to gloat mercilessly.

The Prep:

~Pick the dictators. For power hour purposes, we don't want Dr. Um Uhhhh, Dr. Sleepytime or Dr. Phlegm. We want power dictators, someone who can really dish it out.

~Make sure there is at least an hour's worth of work to be transcribed. Line the jobs up.


~Consume a decent dose of caffeine.

~Adjust chair for maximum comfort.

~Lubricate foot pedal.

~Crack knuckles.

~Set timer for one hour.

Bring. It. On.

Secrets of the MT World.....

Yes, there are secrets in the MT business, secrets only highly skilled MTs know and will never utter to another soul, except to a few chosen innocents who are taken under the wings of aged MTs and munificently ushered into the clandestine world of the MT underground.

Well, unless you happen to be reading my blog, then the cat's out of the bag.

Secret #1:

Never pay retail. I mean, never type a whole word out manually; that's for typists. MTs cheat. We use shortcuts, macros, templates, whatever it takes. Every time we move a finger to hit one key, that move results in a myriad of characters all hitting the page at once. Hopefully, those characters hit the page in the right order and make sense but, if not, QA will clean it up. I did not say that. When you first start out in MT, make good use of your text expander, embrace it, wring every last letter out of it, make it do the work for you. At some point you will be able to hit only a few keys and produce an entire paragraph of doctorese without chipping a nail.

If you look closely at an MT who does not make full use of her text expander, you will note that she has horridly chipped nails. And just look at her keyboard for the evidence. You'll see the pathetic dents her nails have made in the keys, and the letters on the keys will be worn off. This tells a sad, sad story.

Don't be one of those MTs. Use your text expander.