1897 - Woodcut of a typist transcribing dictation using an early wax cylinder phonograph, or gramophone. Although the phonograph was first invented by Thomas A. Edison, the source text says this was a machine called the 'G', invented by Alexander Graham Bell, Chichester A. Bell, and Sumner Tainter. The typist pumps the treadle with his foot, turning the cylinder to play back the recording, and listens to it using 'stethoscope' type earphones. Extra wax cylinders, and a mouthpiece used to record dictation, are seen on the desk. Alterations to image: removed caption, which read, "The Gramophone used in transcribing".
Medical Transcription History in Depth
The evolution of the systems dates back to the year 1960 as per Medical Transcription history. The systems in the yesteryears were designed to assist the manufacturing process. The first transcription that was developed in this process happens to be MRP (medical resource Planning) in the year 1975.This was followed by another advanced version namely MRP2 which is the acronym for Manufacturing Resource planning. None of them yielded the benefit of Medical Transcription.
Drawback of MRP Systems
These softwares were helpful in manufacturing process. Their benefits did not extend to other Sectors. Medical Transcription was developed as multifaceted transcription that gradually stretched its limits into other areas like human resource, finance, marketing and so on. Moreover Medical Transcription offered operational convenience and large reduction in costs coupled with other benefits when compared with earlier soft wares.
MRP solutions attained more fame. Infact it became a hallmark of the manufacturing setups.The MRP solutions did not render the expected results due to exorbitant costs and practical work problems.Inaddition it also called for a huge pool of technical expertise in terms of manpower and machines.
Advent of Medical Transcription
Medical Transcription came into being with effect from 1990 though the fact remained that many people are of the opinion that Medical Transcription existed from the year 1960 in the form of MRP1 and MRP2. In fact MRP2 was more or less Medical Transcription except for its inability to coordinate departments other than marketing. The whole period from the year 1960 is denoted as the age of Medical Transcription. The benefit of Medical Transcription was slowly felt from this stage onwards. Operating Systems
The operating systems that were in vogue during the period are important in understanding the history of Medical Transcription. JD Edwards Co Founder of moniker (in the year 1977) made use of IBM Systems/38.Baan Corporation utilized UNIX.Web friendly
While Medical Transcription is a technological innovation in itself its efficiency is multiplied by several times with the help of latest inventions. Nowadays Medical Transcription is tuned to make use of the internet. This is to make sure that the buyers anywhere can have access to the database of the seller by a mouse click and that too by sitting anywhere in the world. This has become the mantra in the 21st century. The latest Medical Transcription tool which is becoming the order of the day is Medical Transcription.
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